Saturday, 11 April 2015

Diego Maradona brands Louis van Gaal 'the devil' over Falcao treatment

Diego Maradona has likened Manchester United manager Louis van Gaal to “the devil” for his treatment of striker Radamel Falcao.

Colombia international Falcao has failed to make much of an impact following his loan move from Monaco in the summer, and has been a substitute in each of United’s past five games.

Injuries and a chronic lack of goals – just four in 20 Premier League appearances – have seen him move to the margins of the Dutchman’s squad despite his formidable pedigree as a centre-forward.

Maradona was asked about Falcao’s plight during a press conference in Colombian capital Bogota and savaged Van Gaal for the way he has used the 29-year-old.

"Van Gaal is not a nice guy,” said Maradona. 

“Van Gaal is closer to the devil than anything.” 

Falcao suffered a serious knee injury last season with Monaco which ruled him out of the World Cup finals – a situation which Maradona feels explains his travails this season.

"Falcao's time was cut short after the injury and he has had to adapt to the move."

OUR VIEW (Eurosport - Tom Adams)

A bizarre assault from Maradona, who in the same breath as slamming Van Gaal reveals the precise reason why he hasn't used Falcao. The striker appears not to have fully recovered from that savage knee injury over 12 months ago and is simply not the player he once was. Van Gaal's team is functioning better than ever with Wayne Rooney as a central striker so Maradona's criticism is well wide of the mark. Perhaps he said it to butter up his audience in Bogota.

Source: Eurosport 

Zlatan Ibrahimovic: My four-match ban is a disgrace to football

Zlatan Ibrahimovic is not at all impressed with the four-match ban he has received for a foul-mouthed rant and called it a “disgrace to football”.

The Paris Saint-Germain striker has even said that he would have preferred to have been banned for the rest of the season so he could have gone on his summer holiday earlier.

Ibrahimovic was caught on camera shouting about the referee and calling France a “s*** country” after his team lost to Bordeaux in March.

An apology from the Swede followed, but a ban for four of the final seven Ligue 1 games came regardless as the LFP handed him a suspension.

Ibrahimovic was backed by PSG, who called the ban “disproportionate” and the forward has now blasted the LFP in a statement on his official app.

"I was pleased as this proves what I have been saying," he wrote. "Now people can see for themselves, with their own eyes, instead of me just saying it.

"The whole situation has become a farce - it's ridiculous and unprofessional, a disgrace to football.

"I would have been even happier if they had suspended me for the rest of the season so I could have gone on holiday already. 

"There are no grounds for this ban. My words are not aimed at the referee. We had a normal conversation and he has confirmed this.

"If my words had been aimed at the ref I would have apologised when it happened."

Ibrahimovic will not be able to feature in another Ligue 1 match until May 9 against Guingamp, but he will be allowed to play in the Coupe de la Ligue final against Bastia on Saturday.

- Sumber: Eurosport 

'Tolong keluarkan kami segera'

Beberapa pelajar mencedok nasi dari periuk.

GEORGETOWN - “Kalau boleh kami nak balik segera ke Malaysia. Dah tak tahan hidup macam ini dan terkurung dalam masjid sahaja,” demikian keluhan Ahmad Faizal Mohd Asri yang masih terperangkap bersama rakan lain di Masjid Al-Idrus, Aden di Yaman.

Dia yang masih menuntut di Ribat al-Idrus berkata, kehidupan begitu terseksa kerana tidak dapat bergerak bebas akibat pergolakan yang berlaku di negara itu.

“Keadaan keselamatan di sini juga tak terjamin. Mungkin dalam masjid agak selamat tapi di luar belum tentu.

“Saya sudah terperangkap tiga minggu dalam masjid ini," katanya ketika menghubungi Sinar Harian melalui aplikasi WhatsApp, kira-kira jam 7 petang semalam.

Perbezaan waktu Yaman lewat lima jam berbanding waktu di Malaysia.

Menurutnya, mereka juga hampir kehabisan wang tunai kerana semua bank ditutup dan rosak akibat terkena bedilan bom.

“Saya dan rakan lain tidak boleh bergerak ke mana pun. Nak keluar takut terkena tembakan peluru sesat dari puak yang bertelagah. Jadi kami semua duduk dalam masjid sepanjang masa,” katanya.

Bagaimanapun, Ahmad Faizal yang berasal dari Paka, Dungun, Terengganu bertekad untuk meneruskan pengajian di situ apabila keadaan kembali stabil.

“Tak tahu bila keadaan akan pulih seperti sedia kala, saya harap dapat terus menuntut ilmu di sini,” katanya.

Muhammad Wafiy Azizi Abd Aziz juga mahu pulang segera ke Malaysia kerana bimbang keselamatan mereka.

Katanya, penduduk tempatan banyak membantu, tetapi mereka juga kebanyakannya hidup daif.

“Sekurang-kurangnya keadaan kami terjamin setakat ini walaupun di merata tempat kedengaran tembakan,” katanya.

Menurutnya, keadaan memang tidak selesa kerana bekalan makanan hampir habis dan bekalan baharu sukar diperoleh.

“Kalau ada pun harganya mahal dan kami tidak mampu beli. Duit pun hampir habis,” katanya yang berasal dari Serdang, Kedah.

Muhammad Izham Hamdan dari Gerik, Perak, pula berkata, mereka hanya makan untuk mengalas perut tanpa memikirkan sedap atau tidak.

“Biasalah dalam keadaan begini, apa sahaja yang dimasak semuanya rasa sedap. Tadi saya makan nasi dengan terung air manis. Tak rasa apa pun, tapi makan juga lah. Tidak boleh memilih,” katanya.

Menurutnya, sumber air bersih juga makin berkurangan dan mereka terpaksa berjimat untuk bekalan minuman dan wuduk.

“Dah tak boleh bersenang lenang seperti keadaan sebelum bergolak. Semuanya menjadi makin sukar dan sumber makanan makin terhad. 

“Kami harap dapat keluar segera dari kawasan ini dan berlindung di tempat lain yang lebih selamat jika tidak dapat pulang ke Malaysia," katanya. 

Mohamad Haziq Mohd Fadzil dari Manjung, Perak, berkata, menu harian mereka hanya nasi dengan telur goreng atau terung sahaja.

Katanya, mereka perlu berjimat kerana tidak tahu berapa lama akan berada di masjid itu sebelum dibawa keluar ke tempat lain atau pulang ke tanah air.

“Stok makanan yang ada saya beli dua bulan lalu. Memang harga barang naik tapi tak tahu harga sekarang ini. Penduduk tempatan kata harga semua barang melambung kerana semakin sukar diperoleh dan kurang di pasaran.

“Kami berharap stok makanan yang ada mampu bertahan sehingga kami dibawa keluar dari sini,” katanya.

Kata Mohamad Haziq, penduduk masih datang ke masjid itu untuk solat jemaah bersama pelajar yang menumpang di situ.

“Kami bergilir-gilir melaungkan azan dan solat diimamkan oleh penduduk tempatan,” katanya.

Menurutnya, 167 pelajar yang berlindung di masjid itu merangkumi 67 pelajar Malaysia, 97 dari Indonesia dan tiga dari Thailand.

- Sumber: Sinar Harian 

Merdeka Center bakal lancar kajian kesan GST

Merdeka Centre bakal menjalankan satu kajian mengenai keberkesanan Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST) di Malaysia.

KUALA LUMPUR: Pusat banci dan kaji selidik pendapat, Merdeka Center akan menjalankan satu kajian mengenai kesan Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST) selepas ia dilaksanakan di negara ini bermula 1 April lalu.

Pengarah Eksekutifnya, Ibrahim Suffian berkata tujuan kajian itu adalah untuk mengenal pasti perspektif rakyat terhadap pelaksanaannya.

“Kita ingin tahu adakah GST membebankan, apa kesan GST terhadap rakyat dan sebagainya,” katanya kepada Astro AWANI hari ini.

Ibrahim berkata kajian itu akan dilancarkan di portalnya dalam masa dua minggu lagi.

“Kami mensasarkan pengundi berdaftar. Keputusan kajian itu akan diketahui pada awal Mei, iaitu lebih kurang sebulan daripada tarikh pelaksanaan GST,” katanya lagi.

Hasil kajian itu nanti boleh di akses di

Pelaksanaan GST pada kadar enam peratus, yang bermula pada 1 April, adalah bagi menggantikan cukai jualan dan perkhidmatan (SST).

Ramai pihak terutamanya golongan berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana, telah meluahkan rasa tidak puas hati terhadap pelaksanaan cukai itu.

Baru-baru ini, pemantauan oleh Gabungan Persatuan-persatuan Pengguna Malaysia (FOMCA) mendapati harga bagi kebanyakan barangan dinaikkan antara 20 hingga 30 peratus selepas pelaksanaan GST.

Selain itu sekretariat ‘Kita Lawan’ yang terdiri daripada parti politik, badan bukan kerajaan (NGO), golongan profesional dan mahasiswa bakal menganjurkan satu perhimpunan membantah GST pada 1 Mei di ibu kota.

Perhimpunan itu mensasarkan penyertaan 1 juta rakyat Malaysia di seluruh negara.

- Sumber: Astro Awani 

Gadis maut ditikam bekas tunang

KLUANG: Seorang gadis meninggal dunia selepas ditikam di rusuk kiri dengan pisau oleh bekas tunangnya, di tempat letak kenderaan sebuah pasar raya, di sini, semalam.

Ketua Polis Daerah Kluang ACP Mohd Roze Shaari berkata kejadian berlaku kira-kira pukul 6 petang ketika mangsa, Nursyafikah Ahmad Ismail, 20, sedang bekerja di pasar raya itu.

"Dipercayai berlaku pertengkaran antara Nursyafikah dan suspek yang berumur 20-an sebelum kepala Nursyafikah terhentak di sebuah motosikal akibat ditolak suspek serta kemudian ditikam di rusuk kiri menggunakan pisau pemotong sayur," katanya ketika dihubungi hari ini.

Mohd Roze berkata kejadian dipercayai bermotifkan cemburu apabila suspek tidak dapat menerima hakikat bahawa Nursyafikah yang merupakan kerani stor dan berasal dari Felda Ulu Dengar, di sini, telah bertunang dengan lelaki lain dan bakal melangsungkan perkahwinan tidak lama lagi.

Katanya polis menemukan pisau yang dipercayai digunakan dalam kes itu di tempat kejadian dan Nursyafikah meninggal dunia ketika mendapat rawatan di Hospital Enche' Besar Hajjah Khalsom, di sini.

"Polis sudah mengenal pasti suspek dan operasi memburunya sedang dilakukan," katanya.

- Sumber: Bernama

Larangan masuk Syria, Iraq

Pejabat keselamatan di Aleppo musnah teruk dalam kejadian pengeboman.

TOKYO - JEPUN. Jepun mengeluarkan larangan perjalanan ke Syria dan Iraq terhadap seorang pengamal media negara itu atas faktor keselamatan.

Menurut laporan media tempatan, jurugambar perang berpengalaman, Yuichi Sugimoto diharamkan mengunjungi dan membuat liputan di kedua-dua negara bergolak tersebut.

"Sugimoto bebas memasuki semua negara kecuali Iraq dan Syria," menurut kenyataan rasmi Jepun, semalam.

Februari lalu, kerajaan Jepun merampas pasport milik Sugimoto selepas beliau berkeras mahu memasuki Syria.

Di bawah undang-undang Jepun, pihak berkuasa boleh merampas pasport milik warganya jika didapati keselamatan mereka terancam di negara asing.

Awal tahun ini, dua warga Jepun, Kenji Goto dan Haruna Yukawa dipenggal oleh kumpulan militan IS di Syria lapor Press TV.

- Sumber: Sinar Harian 

Baby born with perfect NUMBER 12 on FOREHEAD

A BABY has been born with an almost perfect number 12 in the middle of his FOREHEAD - despite being born on the 11th. 

Hanru van Niekerk

Little Hanru van Niekerk, from the city of Johannesburg in South Africa, sports an unusual birthmark that may suggest he planned to enter the world 24 hours later. 

Amazingly, his proud parents initially failed to notice his strange marking in the delight of welcoming their new arrival. 

In fact his great-grandmother Catherine Jooste, 70, said it was only later that they noticed the number. 

She said: "My youngest daughter was the first one to see it and she said there is a 1 and a 2 on his forehead. 

"We did not worry about it, his doctor said it will fade as he gets older."

The family say they have got so used to it, they fail to notice and it has not prevented them enjoying Hanru's arrival.

Dermatologist Patrice Hyde said babies can develop birthmarks before or shortly after birth.

The birthmark will probably fade

She added: "Hemangiomas are a bunch of tiny blood vessels that grow in a specific area on the skin - that's why they usually look red or purple. Blood vessels are tiny tubes that carry blood through the body. 

"No one knows what causes blood vessels to group together, but it's good to know that most birthmarks aren't a sign of any kind of illness and usually don't hurt at all." 

Ms Hyde said that most birthmarks usually fade or disappear completely, but there are a few tricks and remedies to remove them if they were troubling or unsightly.

She said Corticosteroids are one of the most common ways used to get rid of birthmarks. They can be injected directly into the birthmark or taken orally. 

The medication usually slows down the growth of birthmarks and can make them shrink. Other ways include laser therapy and surgical removal if they fail to fade with time.

- Source:

Koordinat panggilan telefon terakhir dikesan

Koordinat panggilan telefon terakhir dikesan

KUALA LUMPUR - Pasukan mencari dan menyelamat (SAR) berjaya mengesan koordinat panggilan telefon terakhir dibuat pendaki amatur Malaysia, Dennis Lee Thian Poh yang dilaporkan hilang semasa merentasi laluan Pokhara-Mustang di barat Nepal pada Ahad lepas.

Kaunselor/Kuasa Usaha Kedutaan Malaysia di Kathmandu, Fadli Adilah berkata panggilan telefon yang dibuat Lee pada lewat tengah hari Ahad akan membolehkan kawasan pencarian diperkecilkan dalam operasi SAR hari ini.

"Kami amat positif dan menaruh harapan tinggi berikutan semua pasukan mencari yang terlibat sedang meneruskan usaha mencari pagi ini," katanya kepada Bernama ketika dihubungi dari sini, hari ini.

Pasukan 15 anggota polis Nepal mengetuai operasi SAR untuk mengesan Lee, dengan bantuan penduduk kampung dan tiga ekor anjing pengesan sejak semalam.

Lee, 47, menyertai lapan kenalan dari Filipina untuk mendaki gunung Annapurna di Nepal.

Anggota kumpulan hanya menyedari kehilangan Lee di Trek Khopra Danda di kawasan Ghorepani pada Ahad lepas, hari pertama pendakian mereka.

- Sumber: Bernama

Woman outside Buckingham Palace answers smartphone while it’s hooked up to selfie stick

She could have taken the phone off the stick first (Picture: reddit)

She had two choices. Answer the phone and look like a fool or dismantle it from the selfie stick first.

The woman standing outside Buckingham Palace chose the first option.

She could have kept her dignity but this would have meant possibly missing the call while she took the phone off the contraption.

The picture can’t do much for the reputation of the polarising selfie sticks but one reddit user argued it might have actually been an antenna for her phone.

She may want to use this excuse when confronted with the image.

- Source:

Luahan Norman buat Memey...

MENDIRIKAN rumah tangga pada 2011, tiada apa yang membahagiakan pasangan selebriti, Norman Hakim dan Memey Suhaiza, setelah melihat dua wajah kesayangan mereka sepanjang tempoh hampir empat tahun bersama.

Dikurniakan cahaya mata pertama, Mohamed Darwisz Hakim, 2, pada awal Februari 2013, kini keluarga bahagia ini bertambah lengkap dengan kehadiran putera kedua mereka.

Tepat jam 9.57 malam kelmarin (Rabu), Memey selamat melahirkan bayi kedua mereka dengan berat 3.45 kilogram di hospital swasta di ibu kota.

Walaupun ia bukanlah kandungan pertama buat Memey, namun sesuatu yang ditulis Norman buat isteri tercintanya di laman sosial, Instagram (IG), miliknya, amat menyentuh hati.

Memberi penghargaan yang tidak terhingga buat isterinya, Norman mengakui bahawa kaum Hawa diberikan kekuatan luar biasa yang sangat hebat untuk menghadapi situasi itu.

Antara tulisan Norman yang mampu menitiskan air mata peminat yang membacanya ialah "Maha Kuasa Allah dicipta ‘suatu kekuatan’ yang sangat hebat buat kaum Hawa dalam situasi yang kaum Adam tak pernah dapat rasa dan bayangkan!.

"Seminggu sebelum tarikh ini (8/4/15), sayalah manusia yang paling tak keruan! Tidur malam tak lena asyik tersentak, mengadap muka dan perut isteri sepanjang malam risau bila la nak bersalin. Sekarang ke? Pagi nanti ke? Tapi 'wifey' tetap relax." tulis Norman di sekeping gambar yang dikongsi bersama sebelum dan selepas isterinya bersalin.

Malah, bapa kepada tiga anak bersama bekas isterinya, Abby Abadi ini juga turut mengakui bahawa dia antara saksi 'perjuangan' isterinya. Paling menyentuh perasaan, apabila Norman mengakui sangat takut sekiranya kehilangan isterinya yang tercinta itu.

"Aku takut sangat ni Ya ALLAH kalau aku hilang dia. Tolong aku Ya ALLAH dan Alhamdulillah ALLAH dengar dan segalanya selamat. Terima kasih ALLAH, terima kasih para malaikat, terima kasih kepada semua yang sentiasa mendoakan. Terima kasih," tulisnya.

Hasil perkahwinan terdahulu, Norman turut mempunyai tiga anak iaitu Mohamed Danish Hakim, 12, Marissa Dania Hakim, 10, dan Maria Danisha Hakim, 7.

- Sumber: Sinar Harian 

KWSP timbang selaras umur pengeluaran

KUALA LUMPUR - Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) sedang menimbang menyelaraskan umur pengeluaran simpanan persaraan ahlinya hampir kepada usia persaraan 60 tahun, kata Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya, Datuk Shahril Ridza Ridzuan.

Beliau berkata, negara perlu menangani isu pengeluaran simpanan pada usia 55 tahun berbanding usia persaraan baharu pada 60 tahun, jika tidak ia akan menjadi bebanan kepada masyarakat untuk menguruskan orang-orang yang bersara tanpa wang yang mencukupi dalam akaun mereka.

Shahril memetik kaji selidik bebas yang dijalankan oleh pakar ekonomi serta penyelidikan dalaman KWSP yang menunjukkan rata-rata orang cenderung untuk menghabiskan simpanan persaraan mereka dalam tempoh tiga hingga lima tahun selepas membuat pengeluaran penuh.

"Secara kasarnya kira-kira 70 peratus orang yang mengeluarkan simpanan persaraan mereka sepenuhnya akan pada dasarnya menghabiskan wang dalam tempoh tiga hingga lima tahun. 

"Orang Malaysia kini membuat pengeluaran pertama (pada usia 55 tahun) sebelum bersara penuh (pada usia 60 tahun), dan kami sedang mengkaji isu ini bagi maklum balas dasar yang tepat," kata Shahril pada taklimat media di sini, hari ini, sempena dengan pengeluaran Laporan Tahunan 2014 KWSP.

Beliau berkata, walaupun KWSP mencadangkan jumlah sekurang-kurangnya RM196,800 selepas persaraan, perangkaan menunjukkan hanya 22 peratus penyumbang aktif berusia 54 tahun memenuhi minimum ini tahun lepas.

Malahan lebih membimbangkan, 68 peratus daripada ahli KWSP pada usia yang sama memiliki kurang daripada RM50,000 dalam akaun mereka, katanya.

Maklumat daripada laporan KWSP menunjukkan simpanan asas ditetapkan pada RM196,800 bagi memberikan pendapatan bulanan RM820 untuk tempoh 20 tahun sehingga usia 75 tahun.

Ia juga menyatakan berdasarkan usia persaraan bagi rakyat Malaysia iaitu 60 tahun, dan jangka hayat 72.6 tahun bagi lelaki dan 77.2 tahun bagi wanita, jumlah simpanan (RM196,800) akan memerlukan seorang pesara untuk terus hidup pada hanya RM700 sebulan sepanjang hayatnya.

Ini malahan kurang daripada had kemiskinan iaitu RM830 sebulan pada 2012 seperti yang diisytiharkan oleh Jabatan Perangkaan.

"Adalah penting untuk mula merancang persaraan seawal mungkin kerana memupuk tabiat menabung memerlukan disiplin dan masa yang mencukupi," demikian menurut laporan itu. 

Perancangan yang baik memastikan gaya hidup yang dihajati dapat dicapai selepas persaraan disokong oleh pendapatan yang mencukupi, tetapi ketika ini satu-satunya bentuk simpanan utama bagi kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia ialah jumlah yang mereka simpan dalam KWSP.

KWSP berkata ia merancang satu projek perintis yang bertujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai kewangan asas dan perancangan persaraan dengan menawarkan khidmat nasihat persaraan di dua cawangannya di Kuala Lumpur dan Petaling Jaya.

- Sumber: Bernama

Isu hudud: Abdul Hadi selar Tun Mahathir

Kata Hadi, Dr Mahathir (gambar) tidak sewajarnya memperlekeh usaha pelaksanaan hal berkaitan hudud.

MARANG: Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, berkata Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed hanya layak menjadi penasihat kepada kerajaan, bukan bertindak sebagai pengacau.

Justeru katanya, Dr Mahathir tidak sewajarnya memperlekeh usaha pelaksanaan hal berkaitan hudud serta mengkritik anggota dewan undangan negeri (ADUN) UMNO Kelantan yang menyokong enakmen itu.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad sebelum ini berkata, hudud yang dicadangkan oleh PAS bukanlah hudud yang Islamik sebaliknya ia adalah 'hudud PAS'.

Katanya tujuan parti itu melaksanakan hukum tersebut bukanlah atas nama Islam tetapi kerana hendak meraih sokongan pada pilihan raya umum akan datang.

- Sumber: Astro Awani

Najib: Catatan Facebook Nga adalah fitnah

Najib Tun Razak

KUALA LUMPUR - Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, beliau sedia menerima cadangan dan kritikan terhadap kepimpinannya, tetapi sebarang tulisan berunsur fitnah sama sekali tidak boleh diterima.

Dalam catatan terbarunya dalam Facebook rasmi beliau hari ini, Najib berkata, beliau terpaksa mengambil tindakan selepas catatan anggota Parlimen Taiping Nga Kor Ming mempunyai unsur fitnah serta berniat jahat.

"Saya sedia menerima cadangan dan kritikan terhadap kepimpinan, dasar dan pentadbiran saya tetapi catatan Ahli Parlimen DAP Nga Kor Ming di laman Facebooknya bersama dengan gambar mengenai saya dan isteri adalah fitnah dan tulisan yang berniat jahat.

"Oleh itu, saya telah mengarahkan peguam saya untuk menghantar kepada Nga Kor Ming satu surat tuntutan mohon maaf dan sekiranya gagal berbuat demikian, saya akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang selanjutnya," katanya.

Semalam, Perdana Menteri dan isterinya Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, melalui firma guaman Tetuan Hafarizam Wan & Aisha Mubarak, telah menghantar surat tuntutan kepada Nga, yang juga Adun Pantai Remis, Perak berhubung kenyataan Facebook bertarikh 29 Mac itu. 

Kenyataan yang dimaksudkan itu didakwa dimuat naik dalam satu status bergambar bertajuk 'Nga Kor Ming: Siapa PM Malaysia Yang Sebenar? Jawab!'.

Dalam surat itu, firma guaman berkenaan menuntut Nga supaya mengeluarkan status itu daripada Facebooknya dan berhenti menyiarkan kenyataan berunsur fitnah berkaitan isu terhadap Najib dan Rosmah dalam tempoh 48 jam mulai semalam.

Ia juga menuntut Nga supaya mengeluarkan permohonan maaf secara bertulis tanpa syarat dan menarik balik artikel yang didakwa fitnah itu mengikut syaratnya, juga dalam tempoh 48 jam.

- Sumber: Bernama

Freediving: No tanks, just one breath!

Azua holding her breath while swimming in the pool to complete the 130m underwater 'Pool Dynamic with Fins' category at the recent Andaman Freediving Challenge 2015 in Koh Lanta, Thailand.

SILENCE surrounds her and all she could hear is the sound of her heart beating, as it starts to slow down.

The clock is still ticking; Syafidatul Azua Shafii has been underwater for three minutes without the assistance of an oxygen tank, longer than human beings could normally do.

Her abdomen muscles start to contract, indicating the need for oxygen. But she held her breath longer, till after four minutes and five seconds when she finally reached out for air.

For national record holder for freediving, Syafidatul, fondly known as Azua, it was not the longest time she had held her breath. Her personal record is five minutes and 16 seconds.

"When I am underwater, I feel calm and peaceful. I do not think about anything else, as I need to be completely relaxed in order to stay in the water longer," Azua told Astro AWANI after a freediving media briefing, where she gave a demonstration of her astounding ability to hold her breath.

Freediving is a form of underwater diving free from equipments, relying on the divers' ability to hold their breath without the use of a breathing apparatus such as scuba gear.

According to the 30-year-old, freediving is about being free and keeping the mind at ease.

"The irony of freediving is that, although it is an extreme sport, you really need to control your relaxation. If you feel anxious, your heart will beat faster and your body will use up more oxygen.

"For freediving, the more relaxed you are, the longer you can hold your breath, the deeper and further you can go," said Azua who is also Malaysia's first freediving instructor recognised by world-renowned diving body Scuba Schools International.

Since she started freediving in 2012, Azua has five records under her belt including going into the depth of 40m by free immersion, a freediving technique using a rope to ascend and descend. 

Azua ascending from 40m depth at the Andaman Freediving Challenge 2015 with two safety freedivers (in camouflage wetsuits), making sure all safety measures adhered to during the extreme challenge.

She established the national record of swimming 130m underwater, in the "Pool Dynamic with Fins" discipline at the recent Andaman Freediving Challenge 2015 where she also won first place in the female category.

The discipline requires a freediver to travel in a horizontal position underwater while attempting to cover the greatest possible distance, in a single breath.

For the scuba diver turned freediver, Azua's curiosity pushed her to test her limits underwater.

"Usually in competitions, athletes tend to be obsessed with numbers and records, which can be a limiting factor to their performance. For me, I just follow what my body feels.

"I will push my limits to how far I can go, but if I'm too obsessed with the numbers of how long I should stay underwater, it can limit me, or worse, cause me to blackout," she said.

Just like any extreme sport, freediving has its risks. One of the most common is having a blackout from the lack of oxygen. Or even worse, death.

"My biggest concern is when people don't know the risks of freediving, and when they freedive alone, something bad happens, nobody is around to help them.

"The very basic rule of freediving is, never dive alone," Azua said.

Carl Webb (left) from Dive Supply, the sponsor of Andaman Freediving Challenge 2015, presenting Azua with the top prize for winning the 130m underwater 'Pool Dynamic with Fins' category in the competition while organiser Benjamin Unal (right) of Blueplanet looks on.

Freediving offers a spectacular experience of diving where it allows the diver to see marine life such as whales and dolphins without scaring them away.

"Compared to scuba divers, freedivers do not let off bubbles, therefore they are quieter. In fact, the marine life might even let you get close as they tend to be more curious when they see you," Azua explains.

The fact that human beings can dive to such depths on a single breath is nothing short of amazing. 

"Sometimes we forget we are mammals too, like whales, dolphins, penguins, and look at how they can dive and stay underwater for so long. We humans do share the same functions as these marine lives," she said.

However, it takes months and years to be a professional freediver, pushing the limits of what humans thought they could not do underwater.

Herbert Nitsch, the current freediving world record champion, was dubbed “the deepest man on earth” when he set a world record in the "No Limits" discipline at the depth of 214 meters.

Meanwhile, four-time world champion freediver, Stig Ã…vall Severinsen, set a record of "longest time breath held voluntarily" by Guinness World Records for holding his breath for 22 minutes!

As for me, having tried out the freediving experience with Azua, my personal record, is 33 seconds.

How long can you hold your breath underwater?

- Source: Astro Awani

Opposition members scorn PM's statement

NURUL IZZAH: If the government itself riddles with inconsistencies and contradictory statements with GST, how do you expect the rakyat to escape profiteering?

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s call to boycott irresponsible traders exploiting consumers are scorned by Opposition members.

Najib yesterday told consumers not to purchase at shops that unlawfully impose Goods and Services Tax (GST) to show that consumers have the power to make a difference.

Batu MP Tian Chua (PKR), when contacted by Astro AWANI, rubbished the statement made by the Prime Minister.

When asked about the suggestion made by Najib, he questioned on whether it is possible to do so.

“How to reject? Every shop charges GST, everything has GST. I don’t understand what the PM is talking”.

He added that nothing is more ridiculous than the government calling the people to boycott those shops and products.

Meanwhile, Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah (PKR) said that recourse begins with responsible governance.

“If the government itself riddles with inconsistencies and contradictory statements with GST, how do you expect the rakyat to escape profiteering?” she asked.

She also told Astro AWANI that the government has initially announced GST at a four percent rate which was then changed to six.

“We were demanding for a meaningful exemption list- covering healthcare, medical equipments, medicine, education and books.

“The government has been ignoring demands and requests from stakeholders.

“But the government only decides to take the demand into consideration–re-exemption of all books – four days prior to the implementation of GST,” adding that such clear examples of irresponsible conduct erode the government’s moral authority and capability as ombudsman.

She also said that the people may boycott exploitative traders but what should they do when there's a predatory and profiteering government.

Prime Minister on Thursday replied to questions on several issues raised by various quarters, including concerns raised by former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in a special interview session which was aired on Thursday night.

He said while addressing the issue of exploitative traders, “If they are not supposed to charge GST, please report to the ministry of domestic trade. Here lies the power of the consumer. We must know that we have the power.

“Firstly, we could choose any shop to buy goods or go to any eatery, we could choose. The irresponsible traders are the ones who raise prices unnecessarily, and then blame the government.

“Don't go to these shops. There are many other shops. Other alternative shops. Secondly, we must report to the ministry and the customs. So use our power as consumers. Sooner or later, those who exploit this situation will lose their buyers”.

Echoing what the Prime Minister has said, Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Ahmad Maslan in his Twitter said: use the power of 3M–Memilih, Melapor & Memboikot. (Choose, report and boycott) Choose ethical shops and services. Report to the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism (KPDNKK). Boycott the shops that take advantage of you.

- Source: Astro Awani 

Kanak-kanak 5 tahun maut tertimbus baja

Gambar hiasan

BINTULU - Seorang kanak-kanak lelaki berusia lima tahun maut ditimbus baja setelah sebuah lori yang membawa muatan itu terbalik selepas terlanggar sebuah rumah di Batu 8, Jalan Bintulu-Miri di sini, hari ini.

Mohd Ashraf Abdullah disahkan meninggal dunia oleh pasukan perubatan Hospital Bintulu selepas dia ditemukan pasukan Bomba dan Penyelamat Bintulu pada 3.35 petang di rumah itu.

Jurucakap Bomba dan Penyelamat Bintulu ketika dihubungi Bernama hari ini berkata pihaknya menerima panggilan kecemasan pada 12.44 tengah hari mengenai kejadian itu.

"Mangsa dipercayai berada di bawah tangga rumah berkenan apabila lori yang membawa muatan baja itu hilang kawalan kerana mengelak kenderaan lain, lalu terus melanggar rumah berkenaan dan terbalik," katanya.

Beliau berkata, dua wanita berusia lingkungan 45 tahun serta seorang kanak-kanak lelaki berumur setahun turut cedera dalam insiden itu dan mereka dirawat di Hospital Bintulu.

Jurucakap itu berkata polis sedang memburu pemandu lori berkenaan, yang melarikan diri selepas kejadian itu, untuk siasatan lanjut.

- Sumber: Bernama

India remains top rice exporter in 2014

India shipped an unprecedented 11.3 million tonnes, slightly ahead of Thailand's 11.0 million tonnes (milled).

BANGKOK: India retained its position as the top rice exporter in 2014, edging out Thailand which appears to have toppled India based on the early data of the last quarter of 2014.

Rice exports by India and Thailand surged in late 2014 and the latest revisions for rice exports indicate that India edged out Thailand to retain the top spot, according to the first rice market report 2015 published by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

It said India shipped an unprecedented 11.3 million tonnes, slightly ahead of Thailand's 11.0 million tonnes (milled).

However, the FAO report predicts that Thailand will regain the top exporter position in 2015 as is expected to export 11.2 million tonnes compared with India's 9.3 million tonnes.

On the overall situation, it said following years of bumper harvests, rice production would like experience its first annual contraction since 2009, while global prices for the grain would remain soft.

The FAO has lowered its 2014 estimated global padi production by 3.3 million tonnes since December to 741.3 million tonnes (494.4 million tonnes milled), only 0.5 percent below the record 2013 performance.

"Thailand's rice production (paddy) declined by 2.7 percent in 2014 to 34.3 million tonnes (22.7 million tonnes milled rice), due mainly to declining secondary crop outputs affected by cuts in planted areas," Hiroyuki Konuma, FAO assistant director-general and regional representative for Asia and the Pacific said.

"However, in 2015, Thailand is expected to increase production by 2.1 per cent," he said at a media briefing.

FAO's Rice Market Monitor predicts that under normal climatic conditions, 2015 will see a modest recovery of around one percent in world padi output to 750 million tonnes.

In spite of falling international prices, many rice importing countries continue to pursue self-sufficiency in rice production policies.

Indonesia is forecast to reduce its imports by 25 per cent in 2015, the Philippines by 21 per cent and Bangladesh by 36 per cent, while exporter competition for markets is likely to intensify this year, FAO said. 

- Source: Bernama

Stop the blame game, says Rafidah Aziz

Rafidah said the Prime Minister needed an efficient, competent and sincere team committed to collective responsibility.

KUALA LUMPUR: Former Wanita Umno chief Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz hopes the political polemic of who is right or wrong should cease so that the country will not be threatened and the people divided.

She said views or opinions raised against any parties including the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak should be to correct what is not right.

"Even though we have the right to speak, write and give our views, we must do so prudently and constructively.

"Do not let other parties capitalise on the situation when the Prime Minister appeared to be on the defensive," she said in a short messaging service reply to Bernama, here Friday.

She was was commenting on the openness of the Prime Minister who is also UMNO president in replying various issues in a Special Edition TV3 Question and Answer Programme last night hosted by Hamdan Ahmir.

Among the issues answered by the Prime Minister in the interview were on the management of 1Malaysia Development Berhad, implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case, national economic prospects as well as criticisms by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Rafidah said the Prime Minister needed an efficient, competent and sincere team committed to collective responsibility.

"Putrajaya is not only Najib. But all those in the government. We do not want to see the Barisan National government threatened. Let us support the Prime Minister sincerely to strengthen the party and government," said the former International Trade and Industry minister.

Umno veteran, Datuk Dr Malik Munip was of the view that despite facing various pressure and criticisms, Najib was still composed and courteous.

Almost all issues raised in the interview were well covered by the Prime Minister, he said while adding that the interview benefited people who are open.

Malik said the Prime Minister should get the support of all parties to lead the country, more so in an extreme situation which had not happened during the tenure of previous prime ministers. 

- Source: Bernama

Saya anak Jins Shamsudin - Hang Tuah

HANG Tuah bersama dua peguamnya. - Foto Surianie Mohd Hanif

KUALA LUMPUR: Ekoran satu kenyataan yang menyatakan Tan Sri Jins Shamsudin, hanya mempunyai tiga orang anak, seorang anaknya tampil memperbetulkan fakta terbabit.

Hang Tuah @ Shazrin Mohd Zain, 41, yang namanya tidak disebut isteri Jins, Puan Sri Halijah Abdullah, 56, ketika mengeluarkan kenyataan itu, mendakwa beliau adalah anak kepada Jins, 80, hasil daripada perkahwinan kedua seniman terbabit dengan seorang wanita yang dikenali sebagai Jamilah Sukor. 

Kenyataan mengenai anak Jins itu dikeluarkan oleh Halijah, isteri ketiga kepada Jins, dalam sebuah akhbar. Beliau mendakwa suaminya hanya mempunyai tiga orang anak hasil daripada dua perkahwinan dan ia tidak termasuk Hang Tuah.

"Kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Halijah adalah tidak tepat. Sidang akhbar ini diadakan untuk memberi penjelasan yang tepat memandangkan bapa saya tidak sihat dan tidak berupaya menjelaskan fakta yang sebenar," katanya pada sidang media yang diadakan di sebuah hotel di ibu kota, sebentar tadi. 

Kata Hang Tuah, beliau memiliki bukti yang jelas berdasarkan perakuan surat beranak dan surat pengesahan daripada Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) serta juga buku biografi, Suria Kencana, yang secara jelas beliau adalah anak kepada seniman terbabit. 

"Dengan penjelasan dan bukti yang kukuh ini, saya berharap isu yang ditimbulkan oleh Halijah akan selesai. Saya tiada niat sekalipun untuk memanjangkan perkara ini tetapi ia demi kebaikan semua," katanya yang ditemani dua peguam, Saiful Adli Mohd Arshad dari Tetuan Saiful Arshad & Co dan Abdul Malik Mokhtar dari Tetuan Abdul Malik Zamri & Co.

- Sumber: BH Online 

Perbandingan HTC One M9 Plus, One E9 Plus & One M9

Dua peranti terkini HTC diperlihatkan di Beijing hari ini. HTC One E9 Plus dan M9 Plus. Kedua-duanya mempunyai skrin yang lebih besar berbanding HTC One M9yang baru sahaja diperkenalkan lebih sebulan yang lalu.

Berbeza dengan M9, kedua-dua peranti ini diperkasakan pemproses Mediatek dan bukannya Snapdragon. Mari lihat apakah perbezaan lain dari segi spesifikasi ketiga-tiga peranti dari HTC ini.

- Sumber: Amanz

What To Wear To A Music Festival

Festival dressing has become an entire animal on its own, with Coachella kicking off the festival season this weekend over in Palm Springs, California (we wish we were there!), it’s high time to consider your wardrobe choices when basking under the sun and taking in all the awesome bands (honestly, most of the attendees are there for a good #ootd Instagram pic or to make their friends jealous).

Things may have gotten a little out of control lately, as festival goers tend to be more extreme with their outfits – elaborate Indian headdresses, oversized floral headpieces (yes, we get it, you are a free-spirited flower child), torn denim shorts that would be mistaken for underwear and footwear that consists of variations of leather boots and wellies, for the more inexperienced, they will probably be regretting the fact that they chose to wear stripper heels to the festival (one word: Mud).

We blame Kate Moss and Alexa Chung, for single-handedly pioneering the art of dressing for festivals with various Glastonbury visits and festival looks that still resonate till today.

H&M was smart to jump onto the hippie, music festival bandwagon and they created its own range of clothing in collaboration with Coachella music festival – and provided festival lovers (and teenage sorority girls) options, as their one-stop-shop for all things crochet, floral, fringe and satisfying their tassle needs. The key thing to realize is when attending a festival, dress to impress but at the same time don’t wear a head-to-toe suede ensemble for practical purposes because 15 hours on your feet in the desert or under the scorching sun will leave you sweaty and gross to say the least.

Accessory-wise, do keep in mind the mantra that sometimes less is more. We know you can’t stay away from the flower crowns (like moths to a flame) and those neon tank tops or fringe kimonos, but it is a festival after all, and from our experience, you want less things to get caught onto people’s bags, cameras, hooks and various random objects you would encounter at a festival.

If you’re looking for something a little bit more than a bikini or bra top as fashion choices, we list some suggestions to keep you occupied while you wait in anticipation for showtime.

So, here’s what to wear to Coachella that will make you look cool-as-heck while you rock out:

Wide brim fedora - Block the sun from your eyes while looking insanely bohemian chic and stylish.

Round sunglasses – To protect your eyes from harsh UV rays as well as look like someone who stepped out of a ‘60s festival photograph from Woodstock. Lennon would be proud.

Mixed prints – Go crazy with your prints! Mix and match and layer print on print. If you never tried this trend before, a music festival would be the perfect place to flaunt some colour. The almost maxi is a fail-safe-go-to when it comes to outdoors and a subdued pattern and the right fit would give it a cool-girl vibe, you just can’t go wrong.

Boots – The right boots can make all the difference at a festival. Firstly, try walking in the boots first and breaking them in before you wander the fields and dance along to fist-pumping, psychedelic tunes. Comfort is key and stick to earth-tone hues if possible. If it gets a little messy and muddy, choose a good pair of wellingtons (trust us!).

Coloured shorts – A little spin on the classic denim short. These colourful cutoff shorts are a fresh departure from the basic ripped jeans. Nothing says, “I’ve been to a festival or two in my day” like cutoff shorts, Doc Martin’s, and an oversized flannel. It’s literally what I dreamed I would wear and it has layers to support dancing, walking, and flirting. If the day is already off to a breezy start? Put on some tights (possibly ripped) and stuff them in your backpack if you warm up.

Fringe - From fringe hemlines to bikini tops, boots and even bags, the look is everywhere you turn at a music festival — but it’s also a prominent trend for both spring and fall. While a fringe purse is great if you’re rocking the casual, boho look at a festival, you can instantly transform it by pairing it with sleek separates and a pair of pumps.

- Source: Astro Publication